About Still Hope, Inc.

In January 2008, Still Hope was established as a 501(C)3 non-profit organization recognized by the government of the United States of America. Our board members are made up of a team from various professional backgrounds who have a deep compassion and love for desperate and orphaned children throughout the world.

The History of Still Hope

Still Hope began their work in Nicaragua, Central America. Our mission there was to provide humanitarian aid by reaching children in desperate communities by providing food, clothing, medical, love, and other various needs while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were able to meet the needs of thousands. Currently, we have a feeding center in Susuma, Matagalpa that is ran by a dear pastor. This center is able to serve over 300 children.

We purchased property and built a facility intended for orphaned children. Due to government changes in the law, we were unable to fulfill that dream. However, we were blessed to allow it be used by an organization that needed a building for a Bible College. We are so thankful to see that this is being put to good use while they were able to provide a returned blessing to us.

As the doors for an orphanage closed, another was being opened in a much more desperate area in the world. That was Africa! Upon the death of my late sister, Linda “Annette” Cook, Bishop John heard of her passing and donated two acres of land. This was to have a Still Hope Orphanage built in her memory. In December 2014, the decision was made to partner with Bishop John of Holy Devine Church located in Oyugis, Kenya. A small abandoned church which was on the property of Bishop Osunga was given. We did some modifications and the Orphanage in Kenya opened their doors to 22 residential and 43 non-residential children in January 2015. We work closely with the School administration and most, but not all of the children are placed in our care based on the school referral.

In October of 2015, Still Hope launched. Hundreds of people attended including three government officials welcoming our organization to the Oyugis, Kenya area.

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide in the near future a larger more accommodating facility for the children currently living in the Still Hope Orphanage. We would be able to accommodate more abandoned ophan children in desperate need of help. Also, install a water bore that will provide clean, safe drinking water at all times.

Our Team

United States

  • Rhonda Smith
  • Nathan Schwenk
  • Landal Smith
  • Elizabeth Na
  • Dr. Pierre Braganza


  • Chris Osunga
  • Terry Osunga
  • Harrison Kimwele
  • John Osunga
  • Eunice Osunga

John & Eunice are pastors and house parents. We also have various volunteers from Holy Divine Church.